The penultimate show of sigtronica, featuring a new LP by C. Spencer Yeh and a couple of tracks from a 3CD set of AMP.
- FloPo by Cristian Vogel. Double Deux / Delicado. Station 55.
- Billlling-Billllong by Uské Orchestra / Gorge Trio. Split Seven Inch. Ache.
- test me by Building Buildings + Marlo Bright. isomers ep. Standard Klik Music.
- Western Smoke (featuring Enik) by Burnt Friedman. First Night Forever. nonpace.
- Rafflesia by Boris with Michio Kurihara. Rainbow. Drag City.
- Side A (partial) by C. Spencer Yeh. Solo Violin 1-10. Tone Filth.
- Remember by AMP. All of Yesterday Tomorrow. RROOPP.
- deComposition NYC v.1 by Damian Catera. Radio deComposition. Harsh House.
- Alightfarout by AMP. All of Yesterday Tomorrow. RROOPP.